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Friday, January 18, 2013

Mostly Better....I Think....

Okay, I am feeling better.  Not quite so whiny. So, it is safe for you to come back.

I think it is safe to say I was just a little overwhelmed with life and "stuff", but I have lived long enough to know that it was going to be a temporary situation.  Just like those times when I am mad at Rainman.  It passes.  It is temporary.

Last week, we started back to school and D-man started at his new school.  So, my real work started back up, so I had to at least try to get out of my slump....and I did.

But, this is what really kicked my butt out of the serious whinies....

Really?  How can you feel the least bit sorry for yourself after watching that?  You can't.  You realize that you are loved by God.  That you are fearfully and wonderfully made and that you have matter the "hand" that you were dealt.

So, that one kicked my butt into gear.

Also, one of my friends was decluttering and brought in a stack of books to our Sunday School class that she just wanted gone.  I randomly reached into the stack and brought out this thin, little book.

Bible Verses for Busy Moms

I started flipping through and knew that God had arranged for this book to be available for me on that day.

It has great little sections for what you may be going through and then a few Bible verses to help encourage you.

Like the section called Help!  I Am Overwhelmed!

They have subtitles like:

When I feel like giving up.....

When my life is changing....

When my finances are a mess....

When I am totally exhausted....

or the section called Getting Through the Day:

That has subtitles like:

When I need to set priorities....

When I need to be realistic....

When I need to recognize my talents....

When I should compromise....

When I need to say no....

When I must stop comparing myself to others....

When I want to make a plan....

It is a skinny little book that packs a powerful punch.  It has encouraged me and comforted me by reminding me of God's love for me and that he knew I was going to occassionally get discouraged and feel overwhelmed.

 He knew. 

He cared.

He had my friend declutter just when I needed this little book.

So, yes.  I am better.  No more therapy session posts.  Let me know if you need a few encouraging Bible verses to get you through.  I will check my little book and get back to you!

I may not be very whiny anymore, but.....I am getting to be a bit crochety though....not crochet-y....(although...speaking of crochet....look what I made last week!)

(It is a scarf, by the way....and I actually used knitting needles, not a crochet hook....just looking for a chance to brag apparently!)

Anyway....back to being crochety for a bit....

I find myself bewailing the way kids have things these days.  Like, when I found out that elementary aged kids are getting Ipads sent home with them to do their school work.  Seriously...elementary kids.  Ipads.  Sent home to be their's for the year.  I mean, really?  Aren't schools in a budget crisis or something?  Is there really something wrong with completing homework on paper?  I am not asking for a comeback of the slate tablets that Laura Ingalls Wilder used....but, come on!  Don't even get me started on hand held video games.

I think I am turning into Maxine.

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