This time around, I got a chance to try some Beeyoutiful Skin and hair products.
Here is what I got to try out.
Laveshmint Daily Moisturing Lotion
Vanilla Dream Body Butter
Laveshmint Hydrating Toner
Hair Shine Spray-In Conditioner

Okay, how do I really tell you about these without you being able to see and feel my skin properly?
I don't know.
So, you will just have to settle for my honest opinion and confession of how much I rub my own face now.
My favorite product from those 4 was definitely the Laveshmint Daily Moisturizing Lotion ($12.00). Here is the actual product description from their website:
Laveshmint is Beeyoutiful’s soothing new moisturizer that hydrates and nourishes with the power of pure Aloe Vera. It has the same PH level as distilled water and is perfect for daily use over your entire face and body. It is gentle enough for even the most sensitive skin. Aloe has been used for centuries to help repair dry and damaged skin, soothe burns, and relieve irritations. Grapeseed is a light oil which quickly disappears into the skin without leaving a greasy residue, while Coconut oil is known for its skin nourishing and softening qualities.
Laveshment is refreshingly scented with pure lavender and peppermint essential oils, creating a cool, tingly sensation on your skin. Lavender gently helps to repair damaged skin and relaxes the nerves, while peppermint leaves you feeling clean, uplifted, and invigorated. Laveshmint is best used after gently cleansing the face and neck and toning with Laveshmint hydrating toner. Although created as a facial moisturizer, Laveshmint feels great on any part of your body, especially tired feet! Just keep it away from eyes and mucous membranes, as peppermint can sting on these areas.
Guess what? I didn't read this product description until just now....and I am so excited that I can use it on my whole body. I have just been using it on my face and neck....which is what the packaging says.
If I can get the rest of my body to feel even a little bit as soft and silky as my face...I will be buying this stuff in vats!
I use this at bedtime every night.
I am a little bit addicted to the sort of cold, tight-ish tingling feeling I get, when I put it on. I love laying down on my pillow and smelling it, as I fall asleep. It is a very distinct scent and I have begun to wonder if this is the smell that my kids will associate with me. If you know what I mean?
I mean, I have scents associated with people and places from my past. Some not so pleasant, like the smell associated with Bethel Elementary School comes to mind (slightly musty, with an undertone of whatever that pink stuff was that they threw down whenever anybody threw up).
Some pleasant like my Grandma Seraphine and my mom. My Grandma's memory scent is too hard to describe.
But, my mom's scent (that sounds sort of weird, doesn't it?).....anyway....whenever I smell Mary Kay Night Cream.....I think of my mom. That is the product that she used most nights.....I also have a strong visual picture of her at bedtime too. Did anyone else's mom wrap their hair up before they went to bed? Sometimes she used some kind of pink sticky paper-y stuff....sometimes with toilet paper. The point was so her hair-do would last...she would just unwrap her hair and fluff it up for the next day.
Look! It worked....even on vacation. Nice, full, fluffy curls! You can't tell...but her skin was smooth and smelled good too.
(Seriously....why can't I look this stylish when I am on vacation with my family?!?)
I think maybe whenever my kids smell Laveshmint....they will think of me too. My kids get to see me put my hair in braids most nights. Not nearly as exciting as a toilet paper wrapped head, I imagine!
I also love that it sort of self-levels itself everyday....so it looks like it hasn't even been touched.
(It grosses me out a little bit when I can tell where stuff has been gouged out....even if it is my own finger poke holes. Do you know what I mean? Anyway....with this....you never even know any hands have been in there!)
Really.....seriously.....my skin feels awesome. I have no idea if it really looks different to the outside world....but it makes me "feel" different. Plus, I will just sit sometimes and "pet" my face. It is just so soft!
It is really, really soft...like, "young me" kind of soft.
My second favorite of these products was the Vanilla Dream Body Butter ($15.00). Here is what their website has to say about this product:
Feel well bred with butter. Shea butter, vanilla-infused oils of coconut, olive and grapeseed, grapefruit seed extract, essential oil of ylang ylang and vanilla plantifolia augment the ancient and well loved aphrodisiac, the vanilla bean, for a relaxing effect on women, assuring us we are beautiful and desirable. The soothing and healing oils of this body butter soak into dry, chafed skin for long lasting relief and beauty.
The soothing oils leave skin looking radiant and feeling soft and silky smooth … great for damaged skin. Vanilla Dream Body Butter soaks in deep moisturizing and promotes repair of damaged tissue, restoring a healthy luster.
In case you didn't realize it, I have some of the nicest kids in the world. My kids give their poor, old mom foot rubs every now and then. When my girls, especially, want to score a few points....or get some alone time with me, they know the magic words are, "Mom? Do you want me to Ped Egg your feet?"
I know. Sort of gross. But, wow does it feel good!
I have never, ever, turned their offer down! Even when I know it is being used as a blatant, ummm..... persuasion tool. When you have soft, silky feet....you just don't care about silly things like that!
So, when we got the Vanilla Dream Body Butter, we decided to try it on my feet after one of our Ped Egg sessions. Ahh....bliss. We did do it at bedtime, so it had a chance to soak in and I wouldn't slip out of my sandals....which probably would have happened if I had done it during the day. This is a much thicker moisturizer than the Laveshmint....and does leave the slightly icky finger poke indentations....but I can get over it for this stuff.
This smell really nice too. Just vanilla. Nice, simple, nummy, relaxing vanilla.
We feet really are softer....and they stay that way. I mean, before when they would rub lotion into my feet....they would stay pretty soft for a day....maybe. With the Vanilla Dream Body Butter....the softness lasts for days. Really. It is odd. My darling children don't have to Ped Egg my feet nearly as often as they used to. Now that I say that, this one is probably their favorite one!
I am used to my feet being sort of crunchy....if you know what I mean. It is still strange for me to not catch my feet on the sheets....or on socks...and feel sort of silky in my shoes.
They don't feel greasy either. I am not sure how they were able to balance the moisturizing without feeling greasy....but they did. Although, like I said if I had gotten a foot rub with this in the morning....it would have definitely been slippery before it soaked into my skin.
I did find the product description a little giggle inducing. I mean the "aphrodisiac part....and assuring us we are beautiful and desirable."
But, I will admit that soft, silky feet make me feel like I am a better person than I was with the crunchy, scratchy feet I used to have.....and I walk a little taller.
Not sure if I feel any more desirable.....but, I am okay with that!

My next favorite was was the Laveshmint Hydrating Toner ($14.00). Here is what their website has to say about this product:
Laveshmint Hydrating Toner is the ultimate culmination of clean refreshment. Made with certified organic Aloe Vera, Laveshmint’s astringent properties naturally close the pores after cleansing. Aloe Vera leaves skin hydrated and gently restores proper pH balance.
To top this off, we've added a unique blend of lavender and peppermint essential oils to cool sunburns, cleanse wounds, and uplift your countenance. With its captivating fragrance, Lavender has sedative and deep relaxing qualities, as well as being renowned for helping all manner of skin irritations. Cool and tingly on your skin, Peppermint essential oil is an incredible aid for acne, dermatitis, fever, headaches, and mental strain.
Together, the all-natural ingredients in Laveshmint have manifold functions and endless applications. Just spray it on your skin and feel the cooling refreshment wash over you.
This is the product that probably got used the least at my house. Just because I would forget. And, I admit that I did feel a little "super-model on the Concorde heading to Milan for fashion week spritzing her face with Evian water" or something whenever I used it.
That is just a mental block of mine....so.....nevermind.
It has the same cool, tingly, minty smell thing going for it that the moisturizing lotion does. I am thinking that if I actually went places in the morning....instead of to my basement in my Pjs....that it would have been a great partner with my fresh from bedtime, moisturized skin....before heading out to the office.....or wherever people go when they aren't teaching school in their basements.
Maybe I should keep this on my desk in the basement, instead of the bathroom. I can use it when I teach to "uplift my countenance"...when my students are acting less than stellar.
My least favorite was the Hair Shine ($15.00). Here is what their website had to say about this one:
After a day of fun at the pool or the beach, you’ll be glad you brought along Beeyoutiful’s Hair Shine. It’s a safe, healthy, and highly effective alternative to chemical-filled hair de-tanglers and sunburn sprays.
Combing out chlorine or salt-water soaked and tangled hair won’t cause balking and tears anymore if you spray on this organic blend of aloe and essential oils of lavender, rosemary, and citrus. Hair won’t feel greasy, and the fresh, clean smell of sweet orange essential oil will cover the pool or fishy smells if a shower isn’t available. Hair Shine can be used on wet or dry hair of all types—long or short, thick, thin, curly, or straight—to add body and softness while taming frizz.
You can also use Hair Shine as an all-over body spray—after your bath or straight from water play (a fresh-smelling idea if you plan to dine at a restaurant right after a trip to the beach!). It’s even fine to use on your face (but be sure to close your eyes when you spray). The rosemary oil acts as an astringent and skin rejuvenator. A single bottle of Hair Shine contains hundreds of spritz’s worth, so feel free to spray liberally.
The lavender is an especially hard worker in the mixture. It enhances body in your hair and is a major contributor to Hair Shine’s detangling and softening qualities.
Hair Shine also helps:
• Sunburn. If you or your little ones got more sun than you planned, spray on cooling Hair Shine. The aloe and lavender cool burns and protect from infection. Like aloe, lavender is known for its use on burns, so putting the two together makes Hair Shine a cooling, healthy alternative to standard sunburn sprays. You won’t have to worry about chemicals with unpronounceable names soaking into your skin. But do not use Hair Shine before you hit the sun—the sweet orange essential oil may actually increase photosensitivity in some people.
This was the product I was looking forward to trying out the most. Because we have 4 girls....plus me.....and a swimming pool. The product worked beautifully....there really seemed to be less tangles and tears as we combed through their hair. And, their hair, especially L-girl's was quite shiny.
The problem.....none of them liked the way it smelled. I didn't love the smell either. I didn't hate it like they did....but, I didn't love it either. I like lavender and citrus....so I am thinking it was the rosemary essential oils that I didn't love.
Will I stop using it? No. It works too well. But, it didn't leave me with the happy feelings that the Laveshmint Moisturizer and the Vanilla Dream Body Butter did.
Overall, I am loving these products. I will definitely buy another jar of both the Laveshmint Daily Moisturizer and the Vanilla Dream Body Butter when these ones are empty. I have never tried anything that works as well as these two.
My Laveshmint Hydrating Toner spray will last me a long time since I don't plan to become a Concorde traveling super model anytime soon. I am going to move its location though and see if I use it more. The Hair Shine really does work great, but I probably won't buy another one just because of the smell.
You can get all of these products (and more) at the Beeyoutiful website. They have also started a make-up line that is available over at the Beeyoutiful Skin website.
See what the other TOS crew members got to review....including the make-up.

Disclaimer: I received Beeyoutiful You's Skin Care set for free, in exchange for an honest review.
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